Course Syllabus


William G. (Bill) Huitt, Ph.D.
Office Hours: By Appointment
Office: Psychology Building (next to Continuing Education Center on Patterson)
Phone: 229-333-5613 (O); Yahoo Messenger ID: billhuitt

Required Texts:

Additional Web-based Materials:

Audio/Video Materials

Course Description:

Educational Psychology is a course designed to introduce psychological principles, theories, and methodologies to issues of teaching and learning in schools. It is an elective psychology course and required in the core sequence for some BS degrees in Education.

NOTE: Students must have completed PSYC 2500 (Fundamentals of Psychology) or its equivalent.

College of Education Conceptual Framework: Guiding Principles

The following are adapted from the Georgia Systemic Teacher Education Program Accomplished Teacher Framework

College of Education Conceptual Framework Standards (CFS)

 The following framework standards will be emphasized in this course:

The following framework standards will be introduced in this course:

General Course Objectives:

Students will be able to:

  1. name and discuss the major categories of variables that have been studied in educational psychology in an attempt to answer the question "Why do some students learn more than others?" and arrange these in the form of a model of the teaching/ learning process.
  2. name and discuss the major components and techniques of classroom planning, management and instruction that have been addressed in the study of the teaching/learning process as well as how these general techniques can be modified to address individual differences.
  3. define learning and compare and contrast the factors that cognitive, behavioral, and humanistic theorists believe influence the learning process, giving specific examples of how these principles could be used in the classroom.

Note: More specific course objectives are presented separately.


  1. Introduction
    1. Purpose and objectives of course
    2. Working in the public schools
    3. Definitions

    4. 1. Education
      2. Educational psychology
      3. Learning
      4. Teaching
    5. Objectives of Schooling
      1.  Master basic skills of reading, writing, and arithmetic
      2.  Become contributing member of society
      3.  Develop individual, unique potential
      4. Others

  2. Scientific Investigation
    1. Types of Studies

    2. 1. Descriptive
      2. Correlational
      3. Experimental
    3. Methods

    4. 1. Systematic observation
      2. Participant observation
      3. Paper/pencil
      4. Clinical
  3. Guiding the Instructional Process
    1. Planning

    2. 1. Domains of learning
      2. Setting objectives
    3. Instruction

    4. 1. The lesson
      2. Considering individual differences
    5. Management

    6. 1. Setting rules and procedures
      2. Classroom discipline
    7. Evaluating learning

    8. 1. In the classroom
      2. Standardized testing
    9. Georgia Teacher Observation Instrument (GTOI)
  4. Theories of Learning
    1. Behavioral

    2. 1. Contiguity
      2. Classical conditioning (respondent learning)
      3. Operant conditioning
      4. Social learning/observational
    3. Cognitive

    4. 1. Information processing
      2. Developmental
    5. Social Learning and Social Cognition

    6. Humanistic

    7. 1. Self-concept
      2. Values orientation
  5. Motivation

    1. Theories of motivation

    2. Increasing student motivation

Ethical Conduct:

Students are expected to abide by the Code of Ethics developed by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission while engaged in all aspects of their teacher training experiences.

Students with Disabilities:

Valdosta State University, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, will make arrangements for students who require special assistance due to a disability. If you require some assistance, do not hesitate to make me aware of it. In addition, if you are not already registered with the Access Office for Students With Disabilities, you must contact the Access Office in Farber Hall, or call 245-2498 (voice) and 219-1348 (tty).

Policy Statement on Plagiarism and Cheating:

Grading (On-campus sections): Percent
  1. Four quizzes over information discussed in the text, on the WWW, and lectures*


  2. Four announced tests over information discussed in the text and lectures + a final exam* 55%

3. Three (3) bulletin board postings each week on posted questions

  4. Five (5) bulletin board postings related to selected videos [see specific instructions in Blazeview discussion section]   5%
  5. Two article critiques   5%
* All quizzes and tests must be taken at assigned time--any makeups must be done prior to the date on which the quiz or test is given.
Grading (Web-based sections): Percent
  1. Four exams composed of multiple-choice and essay questions. Exams must be completed by the dates indicated on the Blazeview calendar; 10 points will be deducted for each day the exam is taken after the due date.
     Exam 1 (units 1 & 2)
     Exam 2 (units 3 & 4)
     Exam 3 (units 5 & 6)
     Exam 4 (units 7 & 8)
  2. Class participation: Three (3) bulletin board postings each week on posted questions; 1 audio chat session per week.*   10%
  3. Five (5) bulletin board postings related to selected videos [see specific instructions in Blazeview discussion section]   5%
  4. Two article critiques   5%
* During the summer semester two academic weeks are covered in one calendar week.


Grading Scale:

A = 90-100; B = 80-89; C = 70 - 79; D =  60 - 69; F = 69 and below

Extra credit:

Up to ten points extra credit may be earned by reading research articles from education or psychology journals or readings in educational psychology; by listening to audio recordings; viewing videotapes, DVDs or video materials on the internet; or reviewing computer software dealing with issues related to the teaching-learning process. A critique

Publication data or tape identification;

  1. Summary of article or tape (1 to 1-1/2 pages);
  2. Your personal opinion about the value of the article or tape (1/2 page).

Each report will be worth a maximum of one point added to one of the 4 exams.

Last updated: May 2009  Return to: | EdPsyc Courses | Homepage |

Dr. William G. (Bill) Huitt
Dept. of Psychology, Counseling & Guidance
Valdosta State University
Valdosta, GA 31698-0001

Office: (912) 333-5613
FAX: (912) 333-7167
E-mail: whuitt at valdosta dot edu

Copyright (c) 2009-- Bill Huitt