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World or Global Citizenship
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Human Rights
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Establishing a Culture of Peace
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- Education for Peace:
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- Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
- PeaceNet from the Progressive Directory
- A New Culture of
Peace: From social harmony and children's priority
- Quest for Peace International
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Conflict Resolution
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Quality Education
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Eliminating Prejudice
- Multicultural education sites
Selected reading on stereotyping and prejudice: Nilanjana Dasgupta, New
School University
evolution of the psychological understanding of prejudice:
Steven Prentice-Dunn, University of Alabama
- The Jigsaw
Classroom by Elliott Aronson, Social Psychology Network
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Establishing Racial
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terms: racism, racial prejudice, race prejudice, race unity)
Internet Resources on Race and Racism: from Carlos Aquirre, University of
- The
Sociology of Race & Ethnicity: Michael Kearl, Trinity University
- Racism:
Just Undo It
- Artists Against Racism
readings on race and racism: Carmara Phyllis Jones, Harvard School of
Public Health
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Establishing Religious Tolerance
Reducing the Gap Between Rich and Poor
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Sustainable Development
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Ecosystem Assessment
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Sustainable Development from the Wildlife Conservation Society and the
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- UN Decade of Sustainable
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Development from the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, UK
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Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) from the
World Conservation Union (IUCN)
- Sustainability of Human
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Sustainability: Helping people collaborate and innovate
Sustainable Development links: from International Chamber of Commerce
- The Sustainability Education
Center: Provides educational materials and professional development
focused on sustainability
- Educating for a
Sustainable Future: from the Moray House School of Education of the University of Edinburgh and the
Institute of Education at Manchester Metropolitan University.
- Facts and
Figures: Globalization from the Women's Learning Partnership
- The Enviroweb Good starting point for
environmental issues
The Green
Century: Time Magazine special report
- Environment and
Sustainable Development: United Nations University
- DEMI: Interactive project that links design to sustainability
- Friends of the Earth Home Page
- Greenpeace International
- Rainforest Action Network
- The Center for Ecosystem Survival
- Resilience Alliance:
Explores the dynamics of complex adaptive systems
- Environment Digest E-zine
covering ecological issues
- Ozone
- Econet from the Progressive Directory
- Environment Resources Information Network
- Ecolink
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Overview of global warming issues by Erez Sayer
- Second Nature:
Education for sustainability
Teaching and Learning for a
Sustainable Future: A multimedia teacher education program
- World Economic Forum
- YES! Magazine from FutureNet
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