Mining the Gems: Individual Development
Bahá’í Articles and Websites
Last Revised: December 2009
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I. Introduction (Part A) Science, Religion, and Philosophy
- Barnes, W. (2004). O man of two visions: The harmony
of secular and sacred knowledge. Paper presented at the Forum for
Integrated Education and Educational Reform sponsored by the Council for
Global Integrative Education, Santa Cruz, CA, October 28-30. Retrieved
September 2009, from
- International Teaching Centre of the Universal House of Justice. (1984). Baha'i scholarship: Importance, nature, and promotion of.
Retrieved September 2009, from
- Jones, C. (2003). Towards a spiritual methodology of scholarship.
Australian Bahá’í Studies, 4, 21-44. Retrieved September 2009, from
- Loehle, C. (1990). On human origins: A Bahá’í perspective. Journal of
Bahá’í Studies, 2(4). Retrieved February 2010, from
- Mihrshahi, R. (2002/2003). Ether, quantum physics, and the Bahá’í writings. Australian Bahá’í Studies Journal, 4, 3-20.
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- Savi, J. (1989). The eternal quest for God: An introduction to the divine philosophy of `Abdu'l-Bahá.
Oxford, England: George Ronald. Retrieved September 2009, from
- Savi, J. (1994). Will, knowledge, and love as explained in Bahá'u'lláh's Four Valleys. [Draft].
Bahá’í Library Online. Retrieved September 2009, from
- Stuter, L. (2003). The spirituality of systems thinking.
NewsWithViews. Retrieved September 2009, from [Written from a
Christian perspective]
II. Introduction (Part B) Holistic Views of Development, Education, and Schooling
- Bahá’í International Community. (2010). The purpose of life. Bahá’í
Topics. Retrieved February 2010, from
A simplified four -stages model of human
transformation incorporating individual/collective, subjective/objective and
scientific/religious perspectives. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting
of the Association of Bahá’í Studies, Cambridge, MA.
Retrieved September 2009, from 2005 Four Stage Model
- Davis, N., & others. (2009). Children. In G. Morrison (Managing Ed.),
The Bahá’í Encyclopedia Project. Evanston, IL: National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United States.
Retrieved September 2009, from
- Hatcher, W. (1987). Human nature and human society: A Bahá’í viewpoint. The Bahá'í Faith and Marxism. Ottawa: Bahá'í Studies
Publications. Retrieved September 2009, from
- Sabet, B. (2000). An integrative approach to knowledge and action: A
Bahá’í perspective. Converging Realities, 1(1). Retrieved September
2009, from
- Savi, J. (2000). The development of humankind. Lights of Irfan: Papers Presented at the 'Irfán Colloquia and Seminars (Book 1, pp.
Wilmette, IL: Irfan Colloquia. Retrieved September 2009, from
- Universal House of Justice. (1988). Individual rights and
freedoms. Bahá’í Library Online. Retrieved September 2009, from
III. Spiritual Development
- Bahá’í International Community. (1998).
Valuing spirituality in development. Initial Considerations
Regarding the Creation of Spiritually Based Indicators for Development A
concept paper presented to the "World Faiths and Development Dialogue,"
hosted by the President of the World Bank and the Archbishop of Canterbury
at Lambeth Palace. London, England. February 18-19. Retrieved September
2009, from
- Fotos, S. (1999). Strategies for spiritual development. The Journal
of Bahá’í Studies, 9(1). Retrieved February 2010, from
- Moman, M. (1996). The individual. Extracted and
condensed from
Short Introduction to the Bahá'í Faith. Bahá’í Library Online. Retrieved
September 2009,
Poyer, L. (1989). The role of material goods
in spiritual development. Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 1(3).
Varga, S. (2006). Why freedom matters:
Adding spirituality to Amartya Sen's interpretation on freedom.
Retrieved from
IV. Moral Character Development
- Bahá’í International Community. (2005). The search for values in an age of
transition. A Statement of the Bahá'í International Community on the
Occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the United Nations. Retrieved September
2009, from (Study
- Bahá’í International Community. (2010). Moral development.
Bahá’í Topics. Retrieved February 2010, from
- Barnes, W. (2004). Morally-integrated education. Claremont, CA:
Center for Global Integrated Education. Retrieved September 2009, from
Hatcher, W. (2007). Universal values. in The Science of
Morality: Collected Papers . Retrieved from
- Schaefer, U. (1994). Ethics for
a global society. Bahá'í Studies Review, 4(1). Retrieved
December 2013, from
- Schaefer, U. (1995). The new morality: An outline. Bahá’í Studies
Review, 5(1). Retrieved December 2009 from
Schaefer, U. (2004). Towards a
Bahá'í ethics. In J. Danesh & S. Fazel (Eds.),
Search for
Values: Ethics in Bahá'í Thought. Retrieved December 2013, from
- Schaefer, U. (2006). Some aspects of Bahá'í ethics. The Journal of
Bahá'í Studies, 16(1-4), 1-32. Retrieved December 2009, from
V. Personal Style
VI. Cognitive/Reasoning Development
- Bahá’í International Community. (2002). Freedom to believe: Upholding
the standard of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Bahá'í
International Community’s Statement on the Freedom of Conscience, Religion
or Belief. Retrieved September 2009, from
- Davis, A. D. (2001). The human intellect: A Bahá'í-inspired
Lights of Irfan,
Book 2. Retrieved December 2013, from
- Diessner, R. (1990). Selflessness: Congruences between the
cognitive-developmental research program and the Bahá'í Writings.
Journal of Bahá’í Studies, 3(2). Retrieved February 2010, from
- Fantini, A. (1989). Language and
Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 2(2). Retrieved December 2013,
- Huitt, W. (2001). Affirmation statements. Retrieved September
2009, from
- Kluge, I. (2009). The Bahá'í Writings, philosophy, and the
environment. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Bahá'í
Studies, Washington, D.C., August 13-19. Retrieved September 2009, from Baha'i-Philosophy-Environment.pdf
(audio file of
VII. Affective/Emotional Development
- Bahá’í International Community. (2005). The search for values in an
age of transition. A Statement of the Bahá'í International Community on
the Occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the United Nations. Retrieved
September 2009, from
- Geula, K.
(2004). Emotional intelligence and spiritual development. Paper
presented at the Forum for Integrated Education and Educational Reform
sponsored by the Council for Global Integrative Education, Santa Cruz, CA,
October 28-30. Retrieved September 2009, from
Payman, V. (1995).
Religion and psychological well-being: Is there an association?
The Family: Our
Hopes and Challenges. Retrieved December 2013, from
- Savi, J. (1997). Love relationship between God and humanity: Reflections
on Bahá'u'lláh's Hidden Words. Bahá’í Library Online. Retrieved September 2009, from
VIII. Conative/Volitional Development
- Jordan, D. (1973. Knowledge, volition, and action. Wilmette, IL:
Baha'i Publishing Trust. [Out-of-print compilation that was part of the
Comprehensive Deepening Program]. Retrieved September 2009, from
Mahmoudi, H., & Ahmadiyeh, N. (2002),
Resilience in children: Within a spiritual, social and neurobiological
Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 12(1-4). Retrieved
December 2013, from
Savi, J. (1994). Will,
knowledge, and love as explained in Baha'u'llah's Four Valleys.
Journal of Bahá'í Studies,
6(1). Retrieved from
IX. Social Development
- Bahá’í International Community. (1993). Human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Written statement to the 49th session of the Commission on Human Rights.
Retrieved September 2009, from
- Bahá’í International Community. (1993).
World citizenship: A global ethic for sustainable development.
Based on a concept paper shared at the 1st session
of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development. Retrieved
September 2009, from
- Bahá’í International Community.(1995). The greatness which might be
theirs: Educating girls--An investment in the future. Bahá'í International Community’s statement submitted to the 39th session
of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. Retrieved September
2009 from
- Bahá’í International Community. (2001).
Belief and tolerance: "Lights amidst the darkness."
Statement of the Bahá'í International Community to
the International Consultative Conference on School Education in relation
with Freedom of Religion and Belief, Tolerance and Non-discrimination.
Retrieved September 2009, from
- Bahá’í International Community. (2004). The role of men and boys in
achieving gender equality. Written Statement Prepared for the United
Nations Commission on the Status of Women at its 48th Session Item 3a of the
Provisional Agenda. Retrieved September 2009, from
- Bahá’í International Community.(2008). For the betterment of the
world: The worldwide Bahá’í community's approach to social and economic
development. Retrieved September 2009, from
- Bahá’í International Community.(2008). The eradication of violence
against women and girls. Oral Statement of the Bahá’í International
Community to the seventh session of the UN Human Rights Council. Retrieved
September 2009, from
- Semple, I. (2010). The indispensability of
consultation for ordering human affairs. in
Lights of Irfan,
Volume 11.
Retrieved December 2013, from
- Sinclair, G. (2007). Mediation,
transformation and consultation: A comparative analysis of conflict
resolution models. Online Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 1.
Retrieved December 2013, from
X. Awareness and Consciousness
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