Consecration, Love of God, and Teaching
Compiler: Mehrdad Fazli
Date: 1998-2007
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"Consecration, Love of God and Teaching" is the title of an
internationally acclaimed Bahá'í seminar which has been extremely powerful and
amazingly successful in rekindling the Love of Bahá’u’lláh and directing it's
flame to teaching His wonderful Cause. Through the Sacred Writings of the
Central Figures of the beloved Cause, this seminar focuses on the real essence
of the Love of Bahá’u’lláh and its relevance to the present focus of our action,
the Five Year Plan.
As of June
2007, this seminar has been conducted a total of 215 times in English as well as
Persian, and few in Spanish, in more than 135 cities, within 23 countries, and
on 4 different continents of the world. More than 5000 Bahá'ís have
participated in the seminar, including Counsellors, National and Local
Assembly members, 47 Auxiliary Board Members, and many ABM's assistants.
Some Auxiliary Board members, youth, and
indigenous background Bahá'ís have been trained in facilitating the program and are now capable of
conducting it. Below are extracts from letters of
the Universal House of Justice, The International Teaching Centre, and National
as well as Local Spiritual Assemblies, Counsellors and Auxiliary Board
members. These extracts show the tremendous spirit and energy which this seminar generates by
focusing totally on the Sacred Writings. "Consecration, Love of God and
Teaching" is dedicated to the magnanimous souls of the beloved Martyrs of
Mr. Fazli can be contacted at the following address; he is willing to
travel to give the seminar or he can refer interested people to a trained
Mr. Mehrdad Fazli
2021 Ravenstone Loop
College Station, TX 77845
979-690-9312 |
Compilation (with copyrighted materials omitted)
Testimonials on the Program
This seminar has been conducted in many U.S. cities such as: Chicago, Los
Angeles, New York, Washington DC; and in cities around the world, including:
Auckland, Melbourne, Sydney, Toronto, Edinburgh, London, Kingston, Istanbul, and
Adrianople in Turkey where it was presented inside the House of Bahá’u’lláh in
Adrianople. The following are the Statements of the beloved Universal House of
Justice, the International Teaching Centre, National and Local Spiritual
Assemblies and Bahá’í schools regarding this seminar:
"….Undoubtedly the friends would derive
inspirations from such a presentation...."
From the letter of the Universal House of Justice. October 24, 2004.
- "…It is indeed heartwarming to learn of the response of
the friends who attended these seminars....."
From the letter of the Universal House of Justice. July 25, 2000.
- "...The great successes you have achieved thus far in
conducting these workshops on teaching the Cause of God has filled our hearts
with joy..."
From the letter of the International Teaching Centre. July 5,
- "...It was heartening to read the testimonials of the
participants regarding the inspiration they gained from Mr . Mehrdad Fazli's
course and its appropriateness in preparing them for training on the second
day. To have been rekindled in their love for the Cause and their
consecration to teaching will assuredly enhance their services as
International Teaching Centre May 2002.
- "...The feedback we have received from the friends that
attended your seminars is very good and they were greatly benefited by them.
It was my misfortune not to have the opportunity of attending the seminar at
Counsellor Mr . Payam Shoghi March 2003, India.
- "...When I left the hall where the seminar was held, I
knew that I would never be the same person I was before. I felt like flying;
every atom of my being was filled with the love of Baha’u’llah. I knew that
before, but it just sunk in..."
From the official evaluation letter of the NSA of Australia,
showing the spirit of the seminar by quoting a participant. March 15, 1999.
- It was a bounty and privilege for those members of the
National Spiritual Assembly, National Office staff and Auxiliary Board Members
as were able to attend these scintillating seminars....Please rest assured
that concerned Auxiliary Board Members will utilize their training in
facilitating such teaching seminars in the states."
From the official evaluation letter of the NSA of India. April
- "...every soul that offered feedback to me felt that
this training was just what they needed to take their service to another
level. Making the connection between the writings of the Central Figures of
our Faith to our present course is immensely powerful. I only wish that we had
more time to experience more of the materials that you brought with you. Many
of the friends expressed a desire to pursue more of this training in
Auxiliary Board Member Mr . Mike O' Neal November 2002. Savannah,
- "...Five members of the National Spiritual Assembly
attended the seminar as well as our Auxiliary Board members...The National
Spiritual Assembly has consulted about the presentation, and has agreed that
as a National Spiritual Assembly we would recommend this presentation to any
group of Bahais in any country...The presentation is engaging, and is directly
based on the Holy Writings at all times. The participant comes away with a
new understanding of the meaning of service, of martyrdom and of love....The
National Assembly felt that the course should have a very salutary effect on
the lives of those who attended , and on the teaching focus....The course is a
way of rejuvenating our minds and souls. There is an ensuing rededication of
service and love to Bahaullah."
From the official evaluation letter of the NSA of Jamaica. June
- " was a richly rewarding experience for the
participants and helped to energise the New Zealand Bahai community... We are
conscious that the success of these seminars was based on your personal sense
of sacrifice, your humility, and your great love for Bahaullah and for the
friends. We were gratified by the respect and courtesy you showed towards the
National Spiritual Assembly as an institution. "
From the official evaluation letter of the NSA of New Zealand
after doing 24 seminars in different cities and localities within New Zealand.
March 1999.
- "...There was total and enthusiastic agreement that this
approach to training (first study "Love of God, Consecration, and Teaching"
and then address more specific training elements such as the mission, and
strategies, at hand) was "absolutely the best way". "It was "great"...."
Auxiliary Board Member Mrs . Alice Bathke May 2002, Arizona.
- " One of the most powerful messages that the seminar
conveyed was that it takes a heart and a soul infused and empowered with the
love of BAHAULLAH rather tan a purely intellectual and pragmatic approach to
serving the Faith the way it needs to be served. We are spiritually moved,
uplifted, and inspired to know and love BAHAULLAH even more and to nourish
that love we often take for granted. The depth of BAHAULLAH, Abdul-Baha, and
Shoghi Effendi's Writings has left us with joy, awe and wonder."
From the official evaluation letter of the LSA of Plano, Texas.
February 2001.
- "Loathe to leave, my heart brims full with the love of
Baha’u’llah. I think I have begun to learn how true love of God can train and
develop my soul." And also "This was a joyous exploration of consecration. I'
ve gained a deeper understanding of what it means to jump into the fire."
From the official evaluation letter of the Green Acre Baha'i
School, quoting participants. May 2000.
- "Your session for the San Jose Bahai community at Bosch
Bahai School last month was deeply researched, effectively organized and
spiritually moving! Members of the Assembly have received very positive
comments, as you may surmise from your review of the student evaluation
From the official evaluation letter of the LSA of San Jose,
California. June 1998.
- "Several participants wrote on their evaluations and
said, "they were inspired" in various ways during this seminar. Responses to
questions concerning appropriate use of the Sacred Writings and "Did the
session prompt a spirit of more active participation in teaching the Cause of
BAHAULLAH?" were perfect 5's from all participants....As we at louhelen Bahai
School strive to foster the development of the fundamental verities of the
Faith in the hearts and minds of the friends we deeply welcome, nay depend
upon your service and support..."
From the official evaluation letter of the Louhelen Bahai
School. May 2000.
- "...In keeping with message that the seminar conveyed
so powerfully that day, it is impossible to convey through words alone the
profound impact that this seminar had upon the hearts of participants.....It
effectively challenged participants to move beyond an intellectual approach to
the faith to a connection infused by the power of Love..."
From the letter of the LSA of Simi Valley, California. December
- "...Although I have been asked to write on the
Assembly's behalf, I must confess my inability to do so without expressing as
well the significant personal experience of this important spiritual
"visitation". We are told time and again to return to the sacred texts as our
source of inspiration and in all my 28 years as a Bahá’í, I have never felt a
more pure and therefore powerful presentation of the word of God for this
From the letter of the LSA of Birmingham, Alabama, USA. Feburary
- "The opinion of the participants is unanimous: this was
one of the most uplifting, inspiring series of classes we have ever had at our
school. Participants felt that their complete immersion in the writings of
Baha’u’llah, Abdul-Baha, and Shoghi Effendi put them for a time almost in
another world, a timeless world of pure spirit... Finally, the participants
felt that this was in every way a superior seminar, a high point in their
recent Bahá’í lives."
Great Plains Bahai School, Nebraska, USA. July 1999.
- "...One believer was so moved to offer for home front
pioneering, another
reported renewed and revised viewpoints on teaching. Another observed that
the high station of the act of teaching was now understood at a new, higher
level. These were only three comments noted from many more received by the
From the official evaluation letter of the LSA of Anchorage
Alaska. May 2001.
- " The seminar left us rejuvenated with Bahaullah singing
in our hearts and
when this happens....we desire that all our efforts are pleasing to Him."
From the letter of the LSA of Nashville, Tennessee. April 2001.
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