Becoming A Brilliant Star


Developed by: W. Huitt
Last revised: October 2006
Return to: Becoming A Brilliant Star


Core Elements Objectives


Spiritual Development



Moral Character Development



Personal Style



Process Objectives (Internal)






Cognitive/Thinking* (Information Processing) (Cognitive Development)



Affect/Emotional ** (see SocialEmotional Standards & Benchmarks developed by Anchorage School District; uses Assets Framework developed by Search Institute)



Conation/Volition ***



Social Skills, Social Roles, and SocioCultural Objectives (External)
















* Definitions in this section (excepting decision making, problem solving, and metacognition) taken from Wegener, D. (2005). The learning ladder: Escalating student achievement with deep alignment and process skills. Phoenix, AZ: Learning 24/7; Organization of skills developed by W. Huitt, August 2006. [Note: All Kinds of Minds has developed a neurodevelopmental framework for focusing on the cognitive, physical/psychomotor, and awareness/attention domains.]

**Definitions in this section influenced by Denham, S. (1998). Emotional development in young children. New York: Guilford Press; Developing Understanding of Self and Others (D.U.S.O)]

***Categories taken from Bandura, A. (2001). Social cognitive theory: An agentic perspective. Annual Review of Psychology, 52, 1-26.

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